Purification Ceremony 


("bath house" in Nahuatl)

Hello world



I´m grateful to have been given the blessing according to various linages and I´honored to share this medicine gift and hold this sacred space for others where I build and pour sweats wherever I´m called and asked to.


Inés Colin y Vargas ´profe´ , amiga and Wisdom keeper of the Otomi-heritage and other spiritual secret societies for passing me wisdom, insights and your unique medicine. R.I.P.

Thanks to my mentor and buddy John, medicine carrier from the Crow indian tribe of North America  for passing me your teachings in the sweat and it´s medicine in difficult times.

Thanks to my mexican sisters and brothers who´ve shared  "the red way" with me through ceremonies and sweatlodges throughout the years in México by whom I´ve have learned the steps of making this sacred ceremony happen where ever and however.. sometimes in emergency....Hehe hey (:..

Specifically to the Nayarit community, "Raices de la Tierra" with Heriberto y Margarita, Sergio, Mateo, and Gabi and Tonathiu... Gracias pueblo huichol, Taita Pablo Taisan y su hijo ahora Taita Andrés Taisan aswell as to the Tepoz Community with the Vision Council Project aswell.

Thanks to my brotherhood in Sweden inspired by the pre-nordic viking heathen heritage for the 25 years of practicing this medicine together and keeping the old ways and traditions alive.

Hello world

"Reconnecting to the elements understanding natural laws hands on.

Realigning with the Universal forces and reconnecting to the source. Humbling to surrender to our true selves.

To my understanding after 30 years experiencing and working this purification ritual. This is really an inherited medicine gift from our ancestors and the humanity of all cultures, and I honor the bravewomen and men carrying this wisdom and given path. I always found this one of the most powerful tools for deep transformational work, that in its close setting to Nature reveals the wonders of being ONE with the Universe through the alchemical process of the natural elements."

//Julian M.A,

Sweatlodge Purification CeremonyI find the Sweatlodge Purification Ceremony a true precious ”medicine gift” for humanity, specially in these times, where trust and belief is a scarcity. A practice worthy and necessary to pass on to future generations. Not to be forgotten or misused.


History and use of the sweat

Reminences of 6000 year old sweatlodges have been found which gives us the understanding this practice has accompanied mankind for a long time. According to antrophological studies this practice have existed for thousands of years for different purposes. Such as the purification before ceremonial celebrations, the union of ouples, birthing of children and rebirthing of oneself. The healing of the tribal members and the peace making of quarreling familes or for the necessary preparation for war etc.  The uses are numerous.

The experience in itself therefore assignes a remembrance of having experienced this event before even for first timers...

The practice

From the respectful gathering of the necessary elements such as wood, water, communing with Mother earth, the wind & fire to set up this sacred space is awesome. To work the elements to their peak in the alchemical process in a community is  where magic happens. Coming together and sharing this ancient experience of cosmic fusion in unity through presence, prayers, songs is a blessing for ech one and for the community of mankind in the whole.  Always reminded to honor the vital source of the sun and the sacred grounds that hold us at float.